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Cheap Traffic

Using Paid-To-Click Traffic To Become A Traffic Reseller And Sell Website Traffic For Huge Profits!

Do You Ever See Offers For Guaranteed Website Traffic?   Now You Can Make Those Offers Too or Just Eliminate The Middleman. Become A Traffic Reseller And Sell Website Traffic For Huge Profits!  Using Paid Ad Networks, Safelists and Traffic Exchanges to make money.  Becoming a website traffic reseller for huge profits.

Very few independent traffic generation specialist will actually give you their traffic, but they will resell you traffic that can convert.  Besides upgrading in your traffic exchanges and other traffic platforms here are a few cheap traffic resources that you can use or resell.  The options are only limited by your imagination.


This platform is a state of the art Internet website traffic distribution system. Pulling traffic in from over 31,000 websites around the world, redirecting hundreds of thousands of web visitors to their customers websites everyday. They have large contracts with matured traffic networks, advertise on many of the major ad networks like Google, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn and other traffic networks.  They literally have thousands upon thousands of dedicated ad  spaces running on busy websites across the globe.  From all these sources, traffic is obtained then redirected from these ads directly to their customers.  Rebrandable Traffic Free Trial Click Here!

This platform is a proven traffic generator which has partnered with one of the largest traffic networks and segmented thousands of websites into categories and languages. They are now able to offer traffic at low prices and deliver the most targeted traffic at a cost effective price.  When you check out the Combo Offers you will find that the rates are very reasonable.  You can find Guaranteed Signups, Lifetime Traffic, Yearly Traffic Deals, 6 Month Done For You Marketing Campaigns and so much more.  Check out the great combo offers on the at GotHits.

Buying Traffic Gigs

There are a number of gig websites like Fiverr and SEOClerks that actually have a few good traffic sellers.  You really just need to make sure that you test your offer, before upgrading your purchase or reselling their work.  Your client is only concerned with results and you should also be concerned with measurement as well.

Depending on your needs, you will want to look for Country, Hits vs Visitors, Unique IP, No China Traffic, Tier 1, Adsense Safe, No PPC, No Adult Traffic, Amount of traffic, Delivery time, etc...  Simply read the descriptions of the gigs you are interested in, check the reviews, current orders in progress and experience level.  Most platforms show whether the seller is a newbie or pro/expert.

You will want to sign up as an advertiser and not a publisher on these paid-to-click websites.  A good rule is to also use a traffic filter on your website, so that you can protect your site from fake bots especially if you have ads from any major Ad Networks running on your website.

These websites work great for impulse type content.  Don't try to sell anything, just do giveaways and news updates or light content that is allowed.  Fashion, make money online, health and other soft content can be used as a click magnet website.  No sign up forms, no popups, nothing but viral entertainment works best.  You basically want to the cheap traffic into natural Ad Network clicks.

Do a google search for "paid-to-click" websites.  Just make sure that you test the traffic before sending it to someone else.

If you combine the traffic generation with creating banners, sales funnels, landing pages, or some other online services, you can increase your costs by at least 20 times what you are paying for the traffic.  I would recommend that you test out all traffic before using it for a client.

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